18. Aug
CFM – CrossFit Premium
a) SKILL: Overhead Squat
1. mobility shoulders, pecs, wrists
2. Overhead Stability with the pipe / bar („Ellbows straight, Core tigt“)
3. Pause Overheadsquats
b) for time
3 rounds of
20 alt. DB-snatch (50/35)
15 burpee
400m run
3 rounds of
20 single arm DB-overhead squats (10 right, 10 left)
15 box jumps
Basic CrossFit
a) SKILL: Overhead Squat
1. mobility shoulders, pecs, wrists
2. Overhead Stability with the pipe / bar („Ellbows straight, Core tigt“)
3. Pause Overheadsquats
For time
4 rounds of
10 single arm overhead squat right arm
10 hang db-clean and jerk right arm
20 airsqauts
10 hang db-clean and jerk left arm
10 single arm overhead squat left arm
20 airsquats